Effect of front-of-pack labels on the nutritional quality of supermarket food purchases

**Winner of the 2022 Gary L. Lilien ISMS Practice Prize Competition**

“Effect of front-of-pack labels on the nutritional quality of supermarket food purchases” by Pierre Dubois (Toulouse School of Economics, France; pierre.dubois@tse-fr.eu); Paulo Albuquerque (INSEAD, France; paulo.albuquerque@insead.edu); Olivier Allais (INRA, France; oallais@gmail.com), Céline Bonnet (Toulouse School of Economics, France; celine.bonnet@tse-fr.eu); Patrice Bertail (University Paris Nanterre, France; patrice.bertail@gmail.com); Pierre Combris (INRA, France;pierre.combris@gmail.com); Saadi Lahlou (London School of Economics and Political Science, UK;s.lahlou@lse.ac.uk); Natalie Rigal (University Paris Nanterre, France; rigal.n@free.fr); Bernard Ruffieux (Grenoble Applied Economics Lab, France; bernard.ruffieux@grenoble-inp.fr).

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Reducing Net Product Returns through Green Nudges and Causal Machine Learning

“Reducing Net Product Returns through Green Nudges and Causal Machine Learning” by Moritz von Zahn (Goethe University Frankfurt, vzahn@wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de); Kevin Bauer, (Leibniz SAFE Frankfurt, bauer@safe-frankfurt.de); Cristina Mihale-Wilson (Goethe University Frankfurt, mihale-wilson@wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de); Maximilian Speicher (Jagow Speicher Consulting, max@maxspeicher.com ); Johanna Jagow (Jagow Speicher Consulting, johanna@maxspeicher.com); Oliver Hinz (Goethe University Frankfurt,ohinz@wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de).

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Personalization in Email Marketing: The Role of Non-informative Advertising Content

“Personalization in Email Marketing: The Role of Non-informative Advertising Content” by Navdeep Sahni (Stanford University; navdeep.sahni@stanford.edu), Chirstian Wheeler (Stanford University; christian.wheeler@stanford.edu), Pradeep Chintagunta (University of Chicago; pradeep.chintagunta@chicagobooth.edu).

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Promotional Campaign Duration and Word-of-Mouth in Solar Panel Adoption

“Promotional Campaign Duration and Word-of-Mouth in Solar Panel Adoption” by Bryan Bollinger (New York University, bryan.bollinger@stern.nyu.edu), Kenneth Gillingham (Yale University and National Bureau of Economic Research, kenneth.gillingham@yale.edu), Stefan Lamp (Toulouse School of Economics, stefan.lamp@tse-fr.eu), Tsevtan Tsevatov (University of Kansas, tsvetanov@ku.edu).

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